
There is a gift called pain有一種禮物叫痛苦


I love this book whole-heartedly. Every time when I think of the author Constance, I thought to myself: if I manage to take up her attitude, it will just be too fab! She was able to be so optimistic about her severe health condition, it is simply too-good-to-be-true if those like me with the over-pessimistic symptom can adopt 50% of her mindset! Most importantly, she has never ever given up receiving medical treatment, and for mentally ill patients, the most important thing to do is to learn that we must seek medical help; from that moment onwards, we are already on track of the process of recovery.

我真心愛這本書,對我來說,「有一種禮物叫痛苦」是神作。每次想起作者Constance,我都覺得,我學到她的態度就真的會是perfect了!她患重病都可以樂觀,我的病徵-過份悲觀的人,學到半成就真萬幸了! 最重要的是,她一直沒有放棄治療,而對精神病患者來說,最重要的就是要懂去求醫,就踏出了康復的第一步!


I am her Facebook page’s fan, so please check it out! Sorry for mumbling though! 😇

我是她Facebook專頁的粉絲,please check it out! 😇

❤ Lala

90後的抗癌故事 Facebook Page